Podcast: Get a Grip on Lighting
Zach Mix and Forest Flager recently sat down with the Get a Grip on Lighting team to discuss our newest product: Parspec’s submittal application. The podcast gives a great introduction to the Parspec team, our application, and the problem that we are solving.
From the podcast:
“Hey lighting folks who put together luminaire schedules and specification packages listen up: Zach and Forest tell us about their startup, Parpec, which is designed to “automate part number entry, datasheet lookup and annotation tasks to eliminate hours of tedious and error-prone work.” Through machine learning and AI, Parspec will save you hours of tedious data entry for each item on your spec sheet. Enter a part number and – bing bang boom – Parspec fills in the rest. But hold your horses – Parspec is still a start-up, so go over to their website and check it out before it goes live.
Forest Flager pursued a PhD and spent some time on the research and teaching team at Stanford University, followed by a stint at the technology-driven off-site construction company Katerra, where he led the company’s software and design automation efforts. Forest founded Parspec Inc. in 2020 with the mission of simplifying the process of discovering and sourcing the best available construction products and materials.
Zach Mix leads Sales and Business Development for Parspec. After spending the past decade working for lighting & electrical companies including Green Creative, WattStopper, & ElectroRep, Zach is energized by providing top-tier software technology to help lighting & electrical companies perform their best. When he’s not working, Zach switches to Dad-mode and enjoys time with his family.”